Pastor Keith & Lannaea Alexander
Lead Pastors
After 18 years in ministry, Pastor Keith Alexander along with his wife, Lannaea, and their family, is answering the call to plant a church in Homewood, IL. Having spent the majority of his career planting seeds in the youth and young adults in Homewood, the Lord has now called the Alexanders to go back to that area to "Reap a Harvest".

Yvette Barnes
Prayer Ministry
"'HC" is a part of God's divine plan to transform many lives. I'm honored to be a part of a ministry that will definitely change generations for God's glory."

Calvin Greenan
HC Worship
"I'm excited to be a part of HC because it's uncomfortable, and growth comes from discomfort. I know that God has called me into the unknown for His glory. 'The one who calls you is faithful, and He will do it.' (1 Thes, 5:24)"

Tiana McGee
HC Kidz
"The anticipation of seeing what God is doing and will do for His people is what excites me about HC! Working with children reminds me that my connection with God should be the same as theirs - a pure, complete and uncomplicated faith in God."

Tramaine & Brittain Weaver
HC Youth
"We are excited to begin this journey of service to the community. We believe God is doing a new thing in the lives of His youth, and we look forward to walking with them as they grow and develop in Christ!"

Michael Harris & Apiffani Binion
HC Young Adults
"What excites us most about Hope Collective is that we are answering the call to step out of the four walls of the church and bring Christ into the community. The younger generations are eager to receive the promises of God. They seek to find their identity, experience peace, overcome injustices, and know true love. We have a capacity to bring the promised Hope into every facet of their lives. God rejoices in small beginnings. This is our start."